What Can I Do To Stop Violence Against Women?

Stop Violence And Harm In Our Communities

We need to encourage more men and boys to embrace their role as allies. An ally is someone who has a genuine commitment to looking at their own attitudes, beliefs and behaviours and is committed to change. Allies take action to promote gender equality and prevent violence in our communities by learning how to demonstrate and promote healthy expressions of masculinity.

An ally speaks up when they believe someone needs support, whether they are sharing words of encouragement to help someone who is having a hard time or speaking out against violence in their community by calling their neighbours, friends and families into a safe space to address harmful behaviours and share positive alternatives. Allies check in with the survivors in their lives to see how they can best provide support and follow up on their commitments.

An ally breaks their silence.

If You Believe Someone Is Living In An Abusive Environment, Do Not Ignore Your Gut Feeling. Here's What You Can Do.


Believe her when she says she has experienced harm. And thank her for trusting you and telling you.


Educate yourself on the needs of survivors. There may be challenges you do not know about that could be preventing her from seeking the support she needs. Understand her situation so you can give her the information, services and support she needs to make the right decision for her.


Find the right supports for her and her children, if she has any. She will need to make a safety plan and she will need somewhere safe to stay. There are services that can help. ​


Tell her you support her choices and decisions no matter what she decides to do. She will need your support, so make sure you communicate your support often and ongoing.