

Thought Leadership Inspires Change

  • Men’s Engagement in Gender-Based Violence Prevention

    This literature review highlights key conceptual and evaluation approaches to engaging boys and men in gender-based violence prevention.

  • The Involved Father & Gender Equality Project

    This study explored the positive roles that fathers, organizations working with diverse fathers can play in promoting gender equality, healthy, equal relationships, and ending violence against women.

  • Preventing Violence Against Women And Girls Through Male Engagement

    This document explores the framework and methodology that organizations can use to engage men and boys in violence prevention work.

  • Allies For Gender Equality Toolkit

    This resource is another way to uphold our pledge and contribute to creating a future without violence.

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  • Youth Engagement in Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking

    This report provides an overview of the human trafficking and sexual exploitation literature and reviews the ways that young men and boys might be engaged in this issue.

  • Engaging Men and Boys to Reduce and Prevent Gender-Based Violence

    The Issue Brief examines the many dimensions of gender-based violence; impacts on communities of interest; the evidence base, frameworks, strategies and positive roles men can play; and finally the risks, limitations and additional considerations.

Toolkits In Partnership

  • Engaging Men & Boys To End Violence In The Family

    This toolkit provides resources to inspire, encourage, and engage men and boys to end violence against women and girls. The toolkit was developed in partnership with the Canadian Council of Muslim Women.

  • Walking in Her Moccasins

    This innovative resource a on engaging Indigenous men and boys to prevent violence against Indigenous women and girls and is a product of our partnership with the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples

  • Allies For Gender Equality Toolkit: Enhancing Intersectionality In Engaging Men And Boys

    Creating fair and engaging practices using gender-based analysis+