Preventing Gender-Based Violence And Supporting Survivors


Preventing Gender-Based Violence

Close to half of Canadian Women have been physically or sexually assaulted in their lifetime. And one in three women have been sexually assaulted in their lifetime.

Research has shown that adolescence and young adulthood, when many are negotiating intimate relationships and boundaries for the first time, is a time of higher risk for violence.

Indigenous women and girls are three times more likely to experience violence than non-Indigenous women.

Support and Believe Your Peers

In addition, lesbian and bisexual and gay Canadians are three times and two times more likely, respectively to experience violent victimization than their heterosexual counterparts and Canadians of trans experience are more likely to experience violent and inappropriate behaviours than cisgender Canadians.

Learn how to prevent gender-based violence and become an ally by visiting the following resources:

Responding To Gender-based Violence

As equally aware as we must be to prevent gender-based violence, we must also be ready to support survivors. Always be ready to refer youth to the following resources: