How Can I Communicate With My Partner Better?


I Want To Talk To My Partner About How We Can Work Together To Support Each Other, ​But I Don’t Know How

It is great that you want to check in with your partner. One place you can start is with your communication.

Being able to say what you need and how they can support you, and learning how you can do the same for them, is important for building a happy and healthy relationship where both people feel safe and valued.

If you are having difficulty speaking to your partner or if you just want to check in, one way you can try is through non-violent communication. Non-violent communication is when you express what you see, how you feel and what you need from your partner without blaming, shaming or criticizing them.

 There Are 4 Steps To Non-violent Communication:

Tell Them What You See

Tell Them How You Feel

Tell Them What You Need

Ask Them To Support You

Understand What Your Partner Needs

After you tell your partner what you see and how it makes you feel, the next step is to tell them what you need and ask them to consider your needs and how you feel.

To create equality in your relationship, each person should have a safe place to share and express their feelings without fear.