About The Program


The Immigrant and Refugee Communities - Neighbours, Friends, and Families (IRCNFF)

This campaign aims to raise public awareness about the early signs and risk factors of violence against women. The campaign shares resources with diverse communities across the province through culturally and linguistically appropriate strategies.

Since March 2018, White Ribbon has worked in partnership with the Arab Community Centre of Toronto, and OCASI, to engage men and boys within immigrant and refugee communities to prevent gender-based violence by leading events in the community. Over the past year, White Ribbon adapted the peer champion model, developed by OCASI, engaging 16 peer champions who led inspiring awareness-raising events on the positive roles men can play to prevent and end violence against women. The peer champions have used innovative strategies to engage their peers about male allyship, collective responsibility, healthy masculinity, and gender-based violence prevention. We are thrilled to share some of their efforts with you in this resource.


A Special Thank You To All Project Advisory ​Committee Members, Including: